Service Date: January 1, 1970
Interment Info: Highland Cemetery
Service Info: Christopher B. Caddell

Christopher B. Caddell


Christopher B. Caddell was welcomed into the arms of his Heavenly father Wednesday April 3, 2020.

Christopher was born to Arnold E. Caddell, Jr. and Beverly (Wood) Caddell on July 30, 1966 and grew up in Edgewood, Ky graduating from Scott High School in 1984. While at Scott he met the love of his life and best friend, Eleni (Inembolidou) Caddell. They spent the last 36 years side by side, and they would have celebrated their 32ndwedding anniversary in May. Their unwavering devotion to one another through the highs and lows of life was evident until the very end.

Upon graduation from Scott, he went on to earn a Bachelor’s degree in business administration from Baylor University in 1988. He played in the Baylor University Golden Wave Band all four years of college.

In 1996 Chris took the chance to work with and learn from his father and began working at Heritage Bank as a teller. He worked in various departments and roles over the course of the years and was installed as board chairman in 2016 after the retirement of his father. Chris always aspired to follow in his father’s footsteps, and he worked diligently to maintain a culture of deep care for the employees and customers of Heritage Bank. He was a model of servant leadership to all who had the chance to work with him.

While he had a steadfast passion for and commitment to Heritage Bank, he also saw the tangible needs of so many in the community, which led him to found Lifeline Ministries of Northern Kentucky in 2004. What started as 15 people in his basement packing 50 care baskets for families in the hospital eventually morphed into meeting tangible needs in the community. Lifeline moved to a different location in Erlanger/Elsmere where people could come receive groceries, clothing, and household items free of charge. Their core principles were to love unconditionally and to help people in any way possible without judgment. Lifeline served over 50,000 families before closing its doors in 2016. For his work with Lifeline he was honored as the 2011 Florence Rotary Citizen of the Year.

What tied together everything Chris did in life was that he loved serving people. He always put the needs of others above himself. He also gave his expertise to the following efforts:

Kentucky 4H Foundation Board Member 2018-2020

Tennis for Charity, Inc. Board Member 2018

Fellowship of Christian Athletes Board Member 2018

In his free time, Chris enjoyed traveling with Eleni and their family, watching sporting events with his children, and he loved classic cars. He loved to laugh and make people smile.

Of everything Chris devoted himself to in life his family always came first. He fiercely and sacrificially loved each one of them.

Chris was father to a son and a daughter, Steven Caddell, Burlington, KY (wife Kristen Caddell) and Alexis Caddell, Los Angeles, CA.

He was also blessed with two grandchildren, Nora Mae Caddell (age 4) and Jackson Christopher Caddell (age 2). (Parents Steven & Kristen Caddell)

Chad Caddell, Burlington, KY, was Chris’ brother and only sibling. Chad is married to Tara Caddell. They have two sons (Chris’ nephews): Casey Caddell and Cameron Caddell.

Chris had a brother-in law, Vasilis Inembolidis (wife, Julie Cunningham) of Goleta, CA.

Chris had three uncles, Dr. Mark Caddell, DDA (wife, Barb) of Boston, MA, Gregg Wood (wife, Elaine) of Dallas, TX, and Tony Wood (wife, Barb) of Glenn Allen, VA.

Most importantly, Chris centered his life around honoring Jesus Christ. It was the common thread running through his professional and personal life. He viewed all he had in life as a gift from God and was a faithful steward.

A celebration gathering for Chris’s life will be on Saturday, October, 23, 2021 from 11:00AM-1:00PM at Crossroads Church in Florence, KY. Celebration service will follow at 1:00PM at the church.

The family would appreciate it if you take the time to record a video of yourself or write a note letting them know what Chris meant to you or of a favorite memory as they compile a virtual “book” in his remembrance. Please send them to [email protected].

In lieu of flowers, the Caddell Family has asked that you consider financial gifts to the following organizations that were meaningful to Chris:

OCEAN Programs is an independent nonprofit that trains entrepreneurs to open new businesses.  Chris Caddell was a long term, generous supporter of OCEAN because of its focus on the intersection of faith and entrepreneurship. OCEAN has launched over 150 new businesses in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. Gifts can be made at or via check made payable to OCEAN Programs and sent to OCEAN Programs, 1100 Sycamore St, 4th Floor, Cincinnati, OH 45202.

The Kentucky 4-H Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the financial support of the Kentucky 4-H Youth Development Program. Kentucky 4-H supports youth by providing research-based programming, professional and adult mentors, and leadership and job training. Chris shared 4-H’s commitment to building community, as well as, their passion for providing life-changing youth development opportunities for young people. Kentucky 4-H has a presence in all 120 counties and reaches over 250,000 youth annually. Gifts in Chris Caddell’s honor can be made at

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You may participate in our “Hugs from Home” program by leaving condolences at:

12:00 am

Christopher B. Caddell


Highland Cemetery

Address: 2167 Dixie Hwy Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017
12:00 am - 12:00 am

Christopher B. Caddell


Dear Family

My thoughts and prayers are with you through this difficult season. It was an honor to know Chris and work for him, he truly was an amazing leader and changed many lives. He will be missed dearly.

Dear Family

Rest in peace, Brother Chris. You will be missed. Prayers to the whole family.
Steve May, Kappa Kappa Psi – Beta Alpha, Baylor University

Dear Family

I am very sorry for the loss of Chris. He was a very kind and caring man and was a passionate leader. I am very glad I got to meet him and help represent his values through work everyday. He will be dearly missed.

Dear Family

I am so sorry that you are going through this tough time. I am praying for peace for everyone as anytime a loved one passes can be hard to understand meaning behind it all. To the children, I understand how it is to lose a father suddenly, it is hard at this time but time really does heal. Keep the faith and press on. He is now in a better place with no more suffering. He was a very nice man and fortunately I was able to meet him. He was always a welcoming face of faith and love for his family and love of God. Prayers for everyone at this time. We love you. From my family to yours.

Dear family,

Please know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers. There are simply no words to convey what a positive impact Chris made on my life. From offering me a position with Heritage at a pivotal moment in my life to the example he set for others and myself over the fifteen years that I have known him. He was a true servant of Christ and his legacy will impact generations to come. I am forever grateful that your lives have touched mine. My prayers will continue… Joni

To all family members of Chris

To the family of Chris and all who mourn with them:
Praised by the name if Chris as he has entered upon eternity.
Praised and glorified be the name of the Holy One, through He be above all the praise which we can utter. Our guide is He in life and our redeemer through all eternity.
Help will come from Him, the creator of heaven and earth.
Chris, the departed whom we now remember has entered into the peace of life eternal. Chris will still live on earth in the acts of his goodness which he performed and in the hearts of those who cherish his memory.
May the Father of peace send peace to all who mourn, and comfort all the bereaved among us. Amen.
Jonathan Mason, Heritage Bank, Ohio Board member.

Always in our hearts

Chris is dearly loved and deeply missed. What a beautiful example of a Christ centered life. Thanking God for blessing us with his friendship. Our hearts are broken. Praying and grieving with each of you. Sending love & hugs,
Garry, Amy, Madison & Brady Clark

Eleni, Beverly, Chad, Steven, Alexis and Family

“The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” -Psalm 34:18
Chris was a fine Christian man whom I respected and was blessed to work with for many years. My heart is broken and I will miss him greatly.
With my deepest sympathy.
Judy Black

Faithful Servant

Dear Eleni, Steven, Alexis, Bev, Chad, Tara and family,
My heart is just breaking for your family. I have such wonderful memories of Chris. Fishing trips with Arnold, Dad, Ran and some of the other EBC men and so much more! He exemplified the hands and feet of Jesus. I remember sitting behind Eleni and Chris at church a few months ago and they were so happy to take Bev to Nashville and the Grand Ole Opry. What a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, uncle, businessman was he. Praying for your family everyday. With much love and remembrance, Lauren and Jerry Eversole

Your life was too short.

Even though your life was cut short, God knew when you would go home. So glad, that you are in Heaven, with your dad. You will be missed by so many people.

Chris will be missed so much!

Steven, Eleni, Alexis, Beverly and Family,
I don’t even have words to express the sadness. I pray for peace and healing for each of you. We all know that Chris is in a better place with Arnold and others who have gone before us, but he will be missed so much by so many! I will miss seeing Chris every day in the office next door. I’ll miss our knock-knock jokes that we always shared when I would walk back the hallway to his office to talk to him. But most of all, I’ll miss his laughter and our conversations about traveling, life, family and work. Cherish the fact that Chris’ heart, his generosity and his legacy will never be forgotten. –Stephanie Mason

Range of Emotions & Feelings

I just can’t stop thinking about Chris and flashing through so many recent instances and memories – so many moments, frozen expressions of his amazing smile and warm, loving disposition. My face is swollen and eyes are burning, as I try to work through my range of emotions. Thoughts and prayers with love to the entire family.

Condolences from the Atkinson Family

Caddell Family,

We are so sorry for your tremendous loss. We are praying for your family daily. May you find peace in knowing that Chris is with the Lord and with Arnold. He left quite a legacy here on Earth and will not be forgotten. We are here for you all!


The Atkinson Family

To Eleni, Beverly and the Children

Our deepest and most heartfelt condolences. May God’s mercy pour down on you. For so many of us in the community, Chris was such a powerful role model. He understood and walked out his mission to use business to redeem the community. He poured energy, resources and love into so very many people. And he constantly encouraged me to pursue my mission at OCEAN. God bless you all.

Charla and Scott Weiss

Heartfelt Sympathy

Words cannot explain the void left behind when we lose someone who has touched the lives of so many. Please know I hold a special place in my heart for Chris and each of you that are mourning this loss. He will forever be missed here at Heritage and I will forever consider myself a better person, just for knowing him. I choose to remember Chris for his quirky sense of humor and his love for family, friends and Christ. I love how he always wanted to leave a conversation with a smile and a joke, even if he had to insert himself into the punch line. He always stressed how incredibly blessed he was to have such a beautiful and loving family and how, without Christ, he would be nothing. Heartfelt Sympathy for the entire family!! -Paula & Virgle Stamper

A Man of Integrity

Words just can not describe how sorry Dee and I are for your loss. I have known Chris and the Caddell family most of my life. He has always been a Man of Integrity and a Man after God’s own heart. Thank you for leaving us an example of a life well lived. Jeff and Dee Martin

To Beverly, Eleni, Steven, Alexis, Chad and the rest of the Caddell family

I know your hearts are broken. I can’t imagine the grief. But I know God will sustain you. Along with thousands of others, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Love in Christ,
The Bakers

Chris Caddell… Colossians 1

Think about the chapter of life lived out for Jesus! This is about a man after God’s own heart and continued to love in service to HIM… one of them was Chris Caddell. From his soul, heart and mind he always gave his all. A devoted Christian who had proven in his life by bearing fruit in serving others, caring for the poor and wanting to help things to be better for them. I think of Colossians 1:10 “So that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God”. Blessings on your seed sowing and service… enjoy Heaven your Eternal place with God and family! Robert & Lightner families praying.

The Caddell Family

In my three years at Heritage Bank, Chris demonstrated that it is always possible to be a productive business leader and also care about the wellbeing of each employee. He was a true example of a Servant Leader! May the Lord bless you and keep you during this incredibly difficult time. Julie Bauerle

The Caddell Family

I am deeply sorry for your loss. Chris was an outstanding man! Such a servant of God. I’m truly blessed to say that I knew him and worked for him. He will be sadly missed by all. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.

Johnice Sowards

Our condolences

Steven and Family – Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time. My entire family had the pleasure of meeting Chris on several occasions and visits to the bank. Every time, he stopped what he was doing and shook each one of my kid’s hands and spoke to them individually as a person – all 6 of them. He treated them as a person – not a young kid and all of my kids told me that too! They could tell he was not like many adults in how he looked at them and I could tell too. It told me what kind of person Chris was and wanted others to model after. We continue to pray for all of you during this time. Annette, Dave, David, Samantha, Jackson, Joey, Jacob and Josh Wassler

The Caddell Family

What a great guy! I am profoundly blessed to have worked with and for Chris; but more so for being able to call him a friend. He not only talked the talk, he actually walked the walk. God bless each of you.

The Caddell Family

I am so sorry for the lost of a great light in this world. What an wonderful person we were blessed with. We will all miss him forever.
Sueanne Beckman

The Caddell Family

Chris was a true man of God and that was caring, generous and kind to all. Much sympathy and love to your family as you go through such a heartbreaking time. May loving memories ease the pain of your heart. Rhonda Bowling

Chris Caddell and Family

I just want to thank Chris for advancing Heritage Bank and it culture during his time as chairman. I am blessed to be part of the Heritage family. But it has also been a blessing to my family. When my son was born, I was able to stay home with him and wife and learn how to be a father. And I attribute that to Chris and the leave he implemented. I am forever thankful for things like that. I have also gotten to know Steven during my time at Heritage. My message to Steven and his family is that while these are trying you can take refuge in the fact that Chris was a strong Christian man. And because he loved the Lord, you WILL see him again.
Sending much love to the Caddell Family.
Jack, Alicia, and Andrew Fields

The Caddell Family

Our hearts are saddened by the loss of Chris. He was a true servant of God. He loved helping people and making sure they were taken care of. While we mourn his passing with you, we look forward to the day when we will have a great big reunion with him in Heaven. Please know that we love you all and are continuing to raise you up in prayer for comfort and strength.
In Christ, Garrett and Nancy Gover

Caddell Family

With heartfelt condolences, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Missy Manuel

Love You My Awesome Friend

Chris was a shining example of God’s love and grace, with a generous and humble heart. He lived that out every single day. Chris inspired and challenged me to become the best man I can be. There is no greater friend a man could have. I always loved just being around him. My life has truly been blessed by Chris. While he is gone from this earth, he is still with us, for the ripples of his life will travel and have a profound influence on generations of people to come. Well done good and faithful servant. I love you and miss you.

To the Caddell Family

While I only knew Chris for a short while, I was immediately and forever impacted by him. In an odd bit of circumstances I was privileged to have lunch with him on my very first day at Heritage Bank. As the four of us walked towards the car I was getting ready to offer for Chris to “ride shotgun” but he insisted that I ride up front while he sat in the back. After lunch was over I again tried to offer him the front seat but he politely refused. I didn’t know what to think about that at the time. The Chairman of the bank riding in the back seat and allowing me, a new hire he didn’t even know, to ride up front. As I got the chance to know Chris over the following days, weeks, and months I figured out that’s just who Chris was. A gentle, polite, Godly man who did his best to lead by example.

Chris will surely be missed by all who knew him, myself included.

May God comfort the Caddell family during this time.


The Keating family

Caddell Family

We are sorry for your loss. Chris was such a great person and touched many lives. He will live on in our memories forever. As Helen Keller said “What we have once enjoyed, we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes part of us.” Your family is in our prayers.
Kim and Kevin Ford

To the Caddell’s

Thank you for sharing Chris with the Heritage Bank Family. He was a truly an amazing man and I am blessed to have known him. Prayers for you all as you navigate this new normal. Much Love, Lacee Crail

To CHRIS’ Family, And Friends,

Our heartfelt condolences to you and your family. Jan and I were deeply saddened by the news of Chris’ passing. We offer our prayers and join them with the prayers of our entire community. May you be comforted by the outpouring of love surrounding you, and in the days ahead may your cherished memories of Chris be a soothing balm to your heart.
God Bless.
Addia and Jan Wuchner


A friend of mine reminded me of Chris’s love for the poor. I’m sure that he heard the words last week “WHATEVER YOU DO FOR THE LEAST OF MY BRETHREN, THAT YOU DO UNTO ME” We’ll done Chris! Rest in peace.

Joe Mayer

Kind & Caring with a Big Heart

I have only known Chris for a short time in the two years I have been a part of the Heritage family. The shining light that Chris was to each of us will always be remembered. Prayers for the Caddell family. Mary Hammond

Caddell Family

We are sending our deepest condolences for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers for strenght and healing are with your family. Chris was one of the kindest and compassionate people we have ever met. It was a pleasure to work for him and be part of the Heritage Family. Lisa Cook & Mike Sparks

Forever in our hearts

Words cannot express how sorry I am for the loss a a beautiful soul, kind heart and amazing leader. Chris brought out the best in people and created a culture that sets Heritage apart from all other places. He is missed beyond measure. His legacy will live on through all of us. I can only imagine how amazing the moment when he met Jesus. Sending love, hugs and prayers! Jodi King

Deepest Sympathy

The pain of a loss reflects how deeply our hearts have loved. May God bring the comfort that your hearts need at this time. I am so sorry for your loss.
Jackie Flynn

Heartfelt Sympathy!

We are sorry for the loss of Chris! Our sympathy and prayers for your family! May God, through his son, Jesus, give you peace, hope, comfort and understanding. Through the days and weeks to come, wishing your friends and family give you the support and love you need! Chris was a great loving and caring person! God Bless, Verne and Bonnie Epperson

What An Amazing Human

It was an honor and privilege to have known and served with Chris and Eleni at Lifeline Ministries. He wrote a job referral letter for me and I still work in ministry. Chris was an amazing human being. His love for life and family were exemplary. God bless you all. My love and prayers are with you. He finished well!!!

With Deep Sympathy

I am deeply sorry and saddened to learn of Chris’s death. He made a mark on the world for the better. I pray that in time you all will find some comfort in the fact that he will not soon be forgotten by so many. The Caddell family is in the thoughts and prayers of the entire Crosby family. With sympathy, Jason Crosby

Chris Caddell Family

Chris was one of the kindest, generous men I have ever met. He was always lending a hand to others in need. He will be missed.

Char Crowder



Honored to have known Chris Caddell

Chris was an inspiring leader and faithful Christian. He was a visionary leader able to connect with people from all backgrounds and walks of life. Chris took pride in the bank’s wins. He was also always grateful to the customers and employees who made success possible. He deeply admired his father, but was an impressive businessman in his own right. Chris treated Heritage Bank employees like family, and was obviously devoted to the family he built with his wife.

The Caddell Family remains in my prayers.


I was so blessed to have met you … I pray for your family … Heaven has gained a beautiful soul … you will be greatly missed by everyone you’ve touched… Love Cynthia Cummins

The chris caddell family

We send our deepest sympathy to your family, what a terrible loss, Chris was a very good & spiritual man & his life showed that he was always willing to share Jesus with everyone, He will be missed by many & especially the employees of Heritage Bank. Les & Sharon Mann.

Chris Caddell

Words can not express my deepest sympathy to your family. What a great man, he will be dearly missed.
He is celebrating in heaven with Arnold now. Praying for your family.

Laura Gamble

Caddell Family

I am so sorry for your loss. I will continue to keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Chris was one of the kindest, most compassionate people I have ever met. It has been an honor to know and work for him. Thank you for sharing him with us.

Luana Phelps

To Beverly, Eleni, Steven, Alexis, Chad and the rest of the Caddell’s family

I wish I could find peace and bring you all comfort. But most of all, I wish I had more than just these words to let you know how truly sorry I am.

Joy S Wilson

Thank you Chris. You will be missed immensely

Caddell family, words cannot express the deep sorrow I feel for you. Please know that God is carrying you now. That is why there is only one set of footprints in the sand ! Chris is at Peace ! Chris has touched my life in the brief time I have worked at Heritage. Chris’s morals, ethics and genuine compassion for everyone, was the what drew me to want to work at Heritage Bank. Chris, thank you very much for being such a strong compassionate leader of us all. I will miss you immensely. Joe Schlimm

Caddell Family

I am so sorry for your loss of such a great man of integrity with a huge heart! I have enjoyed working under his leadership and will miss him greatly! The Caddell family will be in our daily prayers. I can only imagine how exciting the re-union with Arnold was in Heaven! Craig Liechty

Chris will be missed greatly

Chris’s love for his employees and faith will leave a lasting effect on me. He was a great mentor and will truly be missed.
Justin Augsback

Peace, Prayers, and Blessings

Chris is greatly missed and will be continually be missed. May my condolences bring you comfort and may our prayers ease the pain of this loss. May our Lord bless and comfort you and your family during this time of grief. Please accept my sincere condolences. Only God can know what you are feeling in your heart now, and only He can restore your spirit. Peace and Prayers, Rebecca Braun

A Faithful Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ

To the Caddell Family
Our Prayers and thoughts are with you in such a sad time. Chris’ life touched so many others, as he sought to loved God and people well. Oh how he is missed! In the arms of Jesus, forever in our hearts!
-Patricia Moore

Love and Prayers

I am sending all my love and prayers to all of you. Chris was such an amazing Christian man with such a beautiful heart and soul. I know he and Arnie are in heaven listening to the heavenly choir and watching over you all. Love and Hugs, Nicki

Praying for comfort and peace

Caddell family,
It has been such a pleasure to grow up knowing Chris. He has taught me the importance of giving, through his ministry. I helped wrap gift baskets to the needy right in his basement when he first started Lifeline. I was honored to be able to work for a company ran by his dad and then him. He gave me the opportunity to work for the best company I have ever known. I pray for God to wrap you in his arms and give you all unexplainable peace and comfort through this hard time.

Kristen Shirley

With Deepest Sympathy

Words seem inadequate to express the sadness we’re carrying in our hearts. Chris was such a good and generous man. It’s an honor to have known him. I hope he knew the amount of lives he touched/influenced and just how appreciative we all are for him and the endless opportunities he laid before us. Hoping we make him and Arnold proud as we do our very best to help continue their legacy. Praying you all feel His loving embrace as He surrounds you with His peace and comfort, now and always. With Love, Brittaney & Family


Your sudden passing reminds us all that we must strive to live out our faith every day to achieve the greatest gift of all….those words “WELL DONE MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT”! You will be greatly missed both personally and as leader of the Heritage Bank Family. To your family I send prayers in times of sadness that the wonderful memories will overpower the sadness. Your legacy and example will live on through them.
Diane LaFollette

Great Christian

Chris was a great Christian and loved the fact that he prayed over everything we did at the bank functions. Our Prayers, Hugs, Thoughts and Love go out to all the family. He will truly be missed by everyone who knew him.
With deepest Sympathies & Love Dave Sherrie and Shanna Jump


Chris reminded me of my father. A gentle giant with a heart of gold! My deepest sympathy for the Caddell Family.
Neal Brown
Heritage Bank

Hugs from Home

This is not the end, nor is it the beginning of the end. But perhaps it’s the end of the beginning.

We will all be together again in eternity


So very sorry for your incredible loss. Although yours is the deepest and most profound, please know that it is shared by so very many others. He was admired, respected and loved and will be terribly missed! My prayers are with you as you heal by the love of Jesus. Dale Rose


Caddell Family,
I am at a lost for words with the passing of Chris. He always knew how to light up a room, had such a big smile and an even larger heart. It’s been a privilege to work with Chris for the last 13 years. He will be extremely missed! I pray you all find comfort and understanding during this time. RIP Chris.. Love Rachel Statum

To the Caddell Family

I only had the privilege of knowing Chris for the last two years since becoming a member of the Heritage Bank family. It was enough time to know what a great man he was. I have never felt more important and valuable as an employee than I have with Heritage. This, I know is a direct reflection of its leader. They say actions speak louder than words. I shared few words with Chris but character doesn’t have to be heard. He was very generous, kind, funny and spoke with such eloquence. I could easily see the love he had for his family and the value he put on the importance of family. I could see his faith filled servant heart and his care and compassion for those he didn’t know. His sharp vision as a leader was tenacious and admirable. He was remarkable in every sense. Please accept my deepest condolences and prayers of peace and comfort, today and in the coming times ahead.

In Christ’s Love,
Kristi Chandler


My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Chris will be missed. Carla Turner

To the Caddell Family

Our family’s deepest thoughts and condolences for your loss. I thoroughly enjoyed the short time I was able to work and spend with Chris. He is and will continue to be truly missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Kevin and Kimberly Mooney

Dearest Caddell Family

My heart breaks for all of you. He was such a sincere, faith-filled man and he helped so many with his time, talent, and treasure. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Mary Beth & Brian Wagner

Chris will be greatly missed.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Chris will be greatly missed. Linda Menefee

Thank you above all

Chris, had it not been for you I would not be here today. You gave me a smile when I had nothing to live for. You will always be my role model in what it means to serve and what it means to be a leader. I will always remember you and I can only hope to be able to share with others what you shared with me. Thank you.

So very sorry for your loss.

I first meet Chris in your home making baskets for the hospitals, Eleni you both were so loving and kind the love of the Lord was present in your home. Then I went on the help out at Lifeline Ministries once I retired, what a wonderful ministry. My prayers for comfort are with you Eleni and your family. Judy Reis

Thank you Chris

Thank you Chris for all the kindness and laughter. You are an inspiration to all that knew you! Sending all our love and prayers to Eleni and the entire family. Joey and Lisa Peters

Great Honor to have Chris as a friend

Chris was one of the most unique people I have ever known ! Always so funny and happy and always made everyone feel so at ease .
I will dearly miss him .
I pray each morning as the sun comes up for all of your family …very hard to understand why someone so terrific is no longer with us , We are all so sad but Chris definitely in a wonderful place now.
Prayers and Blessings ,

A True Christian Man

Eleni and family,
What a privilege to work alongside Chris at the bank and at Lifeline. What an example of servant leadership and a kind heart. He will be missed dearly by all but he did leave a legacy of what it means to be Christlike.
Blessings Gary and Neda Wilmhoff


To the entire Caddell Family,
Sending warm and caring thoughts today and in the days to come. Chris was a special person. I will never forget the kindness Chris and Eleni showed when they opened their home up for a dinner gathering with our deposit operations group at Heritage Bank last year. It was a night I will never forget. Chris certainty know how to make someone laugh. With love, Janice Whitaker

A Life Well Lived

It’s hard to put in words the brokenness we feel for each of you, yet there is joy and a celebration for Chris’s life who truly showed us what God’s unconditional love was. I remember asking Chris to take me on a tour of Lifeline and soon after had the Joy of serving there with Chris and many of God’s servants! God’s Grace is sufficient and we pray that God will surround each one of you and give you peace as only he can with strength and courage in the days ahead. We will miss Chris beyond words. Our love and prayers, Steve and Sandee

A great man

I have never met a more generous man that has taught me what a Christ like man looks like.

Praying for you and your family

Love and prayer to all of you. Chris was an amazing man that I have been privileged to know since I was a young girl on Charter Oak. I also had the privilege of seeing him serve at Master Provisions where I work as a Volunteer Coordinator. He was always a loving, giving soul, and will be deeply missed. Praying for peace that only comes from God for the family as you navigate the road ahead.


My deepest sympathy goes out to all of you! It is such a blessing to have known Chris. You are in my thoughts and prayers! Nola English

Generous and Giving Person

Chris will be deeply missed. He was a very loving and generous person. He will forever be in our hearts.

With Deepest Sypathy

Chris is a True Disciple of Jesus Christ. It is an honor to have met, to have
known and to have worked for him. Chris always remained humble & kind, shining a light towards
our Saviour, Jesus Christ. And now he is in the presence of our Saviour, Living the Promise of Eternal Life!
Prayers and Love for the Caddell family, May God Embrace & Hold you with his Peace that surpasses all understanding.
God Bless you Jeannie & Ray Lyons

Prayers During this Difficult Time

To the entire Caddell family my deepest sympathy, my heart aches for all of you during this time. Chris was a wonderful person, I remember Chris taking the time to pray with me during a difficult time in my life. His caring and tender heart will be missed. I am grateful to be a part of the Heritage family, my prayers are with you all. In Christian Love-Tracy Alsip

Generous and Giving Person

Chris will be deeply missed. He was a very loving and generous person. He will forever be in our hearts.

The best person I knew.

I’m a better person for having had the chance to work for and learn from Chris. He was the best person I knew. He will be deeply missed.

Eleni and Caddell Family

My heart aches for you in your time of sorrow. May precious loving memories bring you peace, comfort, and strength.
My love and deepest sympathies to you, Amanda Zou

Our deepest sympathy

To the Caddell family our hearts are broken for the loss of Chris, he was the example to anyone who came in contact with him of being a CHRIST follower and the love for his family and every one he met We remember the best of times in your home doing Life line packing and sorting and sharing so much laughter. Jim visiting him at the bank an sharing conversations. We are truly blessed to have know an loved such a Great man. Prayers will be covering each and everyone in your family.
With love Jim an Robin Brown

Our Deepest Condolences

Chris was such a blessing to so many people. What a life! There was never a doubt as to who he lived his life for and his love of the Lord was evident in everything he did. It was a joy to have known him. Our prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. We are so sorry for your loss.
With love,
Amy and Osanda Senapatiratne

Chris will always be on our hearts

Chris is not gone because we will see him in an eternal life. Our hearts are with the Caddell Family. God bless you all and always.

The Bravo Family.

Love and Prayers

Prayers for comfort and peace.
Cheryl Taylor

A Godly man leaves an awesome legacy

From the day I first met Chris I knew he was a man of God who loved his wife, his children, his parents, and his brother and brother’s family. He also loved people and dedicated his life to making a difference in the lives of others. Though we mourn his all too early death, we also celebrate his legacy for he leaves behind his works of love. Many lives will continue to be blessed because of Chris’ life. How thankful I am to have known him.

A man dedicated to service

Chris was a man dedicated to serving others. Be they people he met at work, in the community, in church, or in a ministry, Chris was always looking for ways to serve. I always knew this passion was borne out of a desire to emulate his Leader and his Forgiver, Jesus Christ. I thank God for Chris’ life. – Tim Senff

A Lifetime Friend

Chris and I met on our first Ukraine mission trip and became very good friends. We shared life weekly for many years after that trip. Chris was generous, humble, loving, caring, always concerned about my walk with Christ and my family. He was a true friend that I will cherish the rest of my life. Chris often told me people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime–Chris was a lifetime friend.

So sorry for your loss

I am so sorry for your loss. My heart is breaking for you and your family. Your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Heaven gained another Angel. I am sure he will be watching over all of you. May you remember this during your difficult times. You can do all things through Christ who stengthens you. Sincerely, Robin Mullins

A man of character

What a great Christian man to have the privilege to have known! Chris was an great example of what a “Christian” should look like….we will be praying for all family and friends who have lost his companionship…God bless you all.

Love in action

Eleni and all of the Caddell family. You have been a friend to my family 25+ years, and absolutely saved and changed the trajectory of my life 13 years ago. Your steadfast , non judgemental , love brought me closer to God and made me a better father and a better man. The truth you have spoken has made an eternal impact, not only in my life, but the lives of so many. Thanks for allowing the island of misfit toys to exist in you life and for showing us that we do belong. You will forever be “beautiful like butterfly”. I love you. John

Blessed to have had the privilege to know Chris.

I am truly heartbroken for your family’s loss! Chris was truly a blessing! He was such an instrumental part of helping build my business. Chris was truly one of a kind, he was so kind and helpful, I will miss his wisdom.

Wonderful Christian Man

To the Caddell family,
It has been an honor to work for both Chris and Arnold. Any time that I was with Chris he spoke highly of his family. His love for each of you was tremendous! His eyes lit up when he told stories of Nora and Jack. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful man with us. I am praying for each of you to have peace and strength at this time. You have my deepest sympathies. Kristie Henry

A legacy of kindness

The Paul Ledden Family extends our deepest sympathy to the Caddell family at this time of grief. Chris will be remembered for his kindness, generosity and faith. God bless you.

Praying for Peace and Comfort

Praying for the entire family.


Oh, Elini, there are simply not enough words to express our heartfelt sorrow for you and your family. We are thankful that God allowed our paths and lives to cross with you and your children at Ockerman, and with Chris through Lifeline. He was such a faithful servant of God and those he served in so many ways. We are praying that God will give you His peace that passes all understanding as you look forward to seeing him again in heaven one day.

Such a Wonderful Man

Eleni and family. I am so very sorry. My prayers are with the Caddell family.. The very first time I personally met Chris and his family was the first time I showed up at their house by myself to join so very many people in their basement to make baskets for Lifeline Ministries… I felt welcomed the moment I walked through the door..Much love and hugs for the Caddell’s..❤

Thoughts and Prayers

Thinking of you and praying for you and your family. Love, Susie Litton

Thoughts and Prayers

Our thoughts and prayers are with you Eleni. I cannot be there with you physically, but know I am thinking of you and your children. My love and prayers go out to you. Love , Nancy Bishop

Generous In Every Way

Chris was the type of person that so many of us men strive to be. He was generous with his time, talent and treasure. So many lives have been touched, including mine. Please know that my family and my son are set on a different path because of the time and mentorship that Chris spent with me.

Jason Schwartz


My Dearest Caddell Family,
There are no words to express the sorrow that my heart feels for each and everyone of you. No matter where Chris went he touched lives in a way that no one else ever could. I would be remised if I didn’t mention the fact that Chris was raised by two WONDERFUL parents who lead by example each and everyday of their lives. Chris had a HEART of GOLD bigger than TEXAS!!!! I’m so grateful to say I’m part of the HERITAGE BANK FAMILY!!!
With Love and Prayers,
Patti F. Kinman

A Legacy of Service and Humility

Chris was one of a kind. His quick wit and kind demeanor were always in the foreground but there was more to everything with Chris. He was thoughtful, caring, sincere wrapped with humility. His generosity was overwhelming. The world lost a great man. May his legacy live on through us all. Blessings Darron, Debbie and Rylee Scanlon

A Legacy of Service and Humility

Chris was one of a kind. His quick wit and kind demeanor were always in the foreground but there was more to everything with Chris. He was thoughtful, caring, sincere wrapped with humility. His generosity was overwhelming. The world lost a great man. May his legacy live on through us all.

A man of great character

I didn’t know much about Chris, and our time together was short. But that didn’t matter, he has had a lasting impression on me and because of that, I know he was meant for me to meet by God’s divine graces and he left a mark on my life. His character and belief in Jesus will endure.

Most Kind and Sincere Man

Caddell Family,
I have never met another man as kind, truly caring, and sincere as Chris. I did not have have the pleasure of knowing him long (only 5 1/2 years since working at Heritage) but I am blessed with that time. He set such an example for everyone he met if how to really live and love life. Although he is so very much missed, Heaven will never be the same with Chris’s jokes. Love Jennifer Walden

What a love for each other and a love for Christ!

I’ve always loved the story of how you met Chris. It seems like a page out of a storybook. So that is how I was first introduced to Chris. Every single picture that I’ve ever seen of the two of you, you still look like two teenagers madly in love with each other, having the time of your life! But I came to know that the true reason for your smiles could only be attributed to a pure joy that only comes from Christ. God brought the two of you together for a much larger purpose than young love. He brought you together to touch so many lives. Like many others, I know about some of the public ways through ministry, etc that you all have affected countless people through the years. But I suspect that privately, with Chris’ legacy of selflessness, we and maybe even you may never know just how many people’s lives have been changed this side of heaven. I’m so glad that you met the love of your life at such a young age. I rejoice with you that the physical separation is only temporary, but I also mourn with you for your great loss. I love you, my friend. ~Brooke Breeze

Chris Caddell

He is lifting you up. Hugs and best wishes to you and your family!
Sarah Baker

In Memory of Chris

I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in several mission trips to Ukraine with Chris. He was so devoted to those he came in contact with, including myself. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to know and work with him. I honor his faith in our Savior, his love of his wife and children, and the joy he had when his grandchildren joined in their family. I am deeply saddened by his passing but intend to keep his memory alive by following his example of continued service to those in need.
May God fully wrap you in His embrace, bother. You will be missed!

Louis Holliday from Shepherd, Michigan.

One Of The Very Best

Our deepest sympathies to Eleni, the family, and the uncountable number of friends Chris made along his life’s journey. Rarely has there ever been one with such a big heart, talent, and desire to make a difference. The ripples from his life will endure in the hearts of so many. RIP as it’s so very well deserved.

Sending our love!

Wayne and I are praying for peace and comfort for your family during this time and also for the days ahead…we are crying with you over this loss of such an amazing person. He loved with action and not just with words…the first time you meet Chris, you know he is for real!! He inspired both of us in working with him at Lifeline…he had a heart for people like no other!

Wayne and Jennifer Clause

Thoughts and prayers

Chris was always so warm and approachable in the work place. His compassion toward me and my family will never be forgotten. We are lifting up your family in prayer as Heaven recieves such a wonderful addition.

Sending Love and Prayers

Chris was such a wonderful man who will be missed by many. We love you all and we will continue to pray for strength and peace during this difficult time.
Zach, Rebekah and Ellie Mockbee

Sending love, hugs and prayers during this difficult time

Eleni and family, there are no words that we can say that will take away your hurt and overwhelming loss. Just know that Ms. Jeannie and I are so very grateful and thankful for Chris and your sweet family! Chris was a one of a kind, with a smile as big as his heart! Bev and Arnie raised a wonderful man who will be missed by so many. We are here if you need anything! We love you and will be praying for you all during this difficult time! ❤

Unique among men

Still hear his unique laugh. So very sorry for such an early goodbye to such a man among men. Thankful for his always caring humility. A servant leader. Praying for the whole family. – Jeannette Robinson

Caddell family

May you have peace and comfort during this very difficult time.
Susan Sullivan

Love and Prayers

Sending healing prayers and comforting hugs. I hope you feel surrounded by love during this difficult time.

The Houglan Family
Chad, Jessica, Kensley and Taylor

Blessed to know Chris

The world would be a brighter, kinder place with more Chris Caddells. I am so happy to have known him.

My Bother Chris

Humble and kind was he
His compassion knew no boundaries
His love he gave unconditionally.
He shared the love of CHRIST with everyone he met
A brother to me he came to be
Sharing life and ministry
He lived a life with a servants heart
Now he has been set free
To soar on high with angels wings.

Love and hugs to Eleni and the family. I will miss him more than words ca say. Prayers of comfort for you all. Love you. Cathy Cummins and family

With our love

Eleni, Steven, Alexis, Chris, Bev and family, please know we are praying for you daily and will continue to do so. Chris lived his life through his faith and his family will be blessed for generations to come! We love you all
Jeff and Becky Jones

Memorial Chris Caddell

Chris was a loving husband, father and friend. Chris and Eleni paralleled the life of Anita and I. We went to Church together and our kids grew up together. This is a tremendous loss to the family and the community. To all of the family, I loved Chris as a friend and as a Christian Brother. My God give you peace! Ed Massey

With Sympathy

Bob and I are so sorry for your loss such a short time after Arnold ‘s passing. Our prayers are with you all.
Bob & Vicki Johnson.

Continued prayers for all

We are keeping you all in our prayers. May you have the peace that only Hid can give

So Sorry for your loss

We are so sorry for your family’s loss of Chris. He was so thoughtful and caring. God bless

Doug and Deirdre Lloyd

. Praying for strength for you all

This is beyond sad. My heart aches for you all

We love you all

We love you all and are praying for you. We had such fun over the years. Chris was always so kind to our children. They loved going over to the Caddell house. We treasure your friendship and the way that you love others. Chris was a wonderful example of how we all should live our lives.
Kathy, Paul, Abby, Joe, Lauren and Kyle

Deepest sympathy

Praying for you today! Curt and Judy (Yelton) Combs & the Yelton family

Continued Prayers

We send our love and continued prayers for each of you. Praising the Lord for the life rooted in Christ that Chris lived.
With prayers for His mercies and grace upon you
Randy, Kerri and Leah Compton

Heaven has Gained a Beautiful Soul

I have worked at Heritage Bank for 14 years and it has been such a blessing to know such a compassionate leader and role model. His smile and laugh could light up a room. His leadership and faithful heart were amazing. Thank you Chris for being such a wonderful man. Heaven has gained a beautiful soul.

We love you all

Caddell Family, we are grieving with you all as you celebrate Chris’ life and the incredible legacy he has left behind. We are so honored and thankful to have known and loved him (and you all!) and know his beautiful legacy of faith, family, and integrity will continue to be lived out through each of you. We love you all and are praying for you often!

The Mirante Family

The Caddell Family

Chris was such a wonderful man, a true model of Gods love. Always willing to do whatever he could to help others in need. I pray for God to surround your family with his love and peace and flood you with beautiful memories.

Missy Parrett

Love and Prayers

Lifting you up in prayer and sending much, much love!
Joe & Veda

Denny and Barb Loftin

Eleni and family,

Our hearts are broken to lose Chris so soon. What a man of God he was, his heart was huge and his spirit so tender. None of us know when God will call us home and he gets to enjoy the presence of Jesus before we do. I know your hearts are shattered and the void can never be filled. Know we are praying for you many times a day and trust the Father’s loving arms will give you peace and ease the pain of this great loss. May Jesus be so very real to you right now and in the days ahead. Sent with love and virtual hugs.

Dear Caddell Family

Our hearts break for you as you grieve the loss of another leader in your family. We can’t imagine how you feel. Just know that we are lifting your family up in prayer that God will hold you close to Him and comfort and bless you with love, grace and mercy. We love you all!
The Reynolds Family
(Romey, Tina, Samantha, MegAn, and Addison

Truly one of a kind

My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time. Chris was such a blessing to everyone that was lucky enough to interact with him. His smile and story telling were contagious. He will be missed tremendously. God bless you all.

Love and prayers

My heart goes out to you and your family. You all have been in my prayers ever since I heard the news. Praying for God’s comfort to be laid upon each one of you. I enjoyed working side-by-side with Chris in Lifeline Ministries and getting to know the family. I will always be grateful for those days. Chris will be deeply missed by many!!❤
Love, Debbie Schmidt and family.

Prayers and love

Sending all of the love in the world to you and your family.
Heather Howard

In memory of a man who was a true blessing on so many….

We are sending our prayers up for all of you! Chris was a true blessing to so many and while just an everyday encounter with him was always such a joy, he also added special blessings by going out of his way regulary too. I am the co-founder of the Gallatin County Food Pantry and as soon as Chris learned this he reached out immediately and offered whatever assistance we might need. He reached out with encouragement, donations and then one day – a van! He gave advice and guidance when we needed it so much and it was always clearly with a joyful heart of a true servant. We will always remember his kindness and we will continue to pay it forward in his honor. His faith was so visible in our crazy world and I couldn’t respect him more for always being an “obvious Christian” to all those in his presence. He was a good and faithful servant. Love and prayers sent to all his family and dear friends! Tammy & Tony Trimble & all those at the Gallatin County Food Pantry

Chris Cadell

Elaini, Karen and I are praying for you and your family during this difficult time. We love you and loved Chris and our times together. Know we have you in our hearts and prayers. David Roadcup

Love for the Caddell family

Chris, you are very dearly missed in your family, your church, and your community. I’ll always think of your warm laughter, how much you cared for your family, and your incredible gift for caring for the community and building relationships–you always made everyone feel special, and I hope the whole Caddell family know how special you were to so many people.

Praying for comfort.

Chis was absolutely one of a kind. He was a living example of being the hands and feet of Christ. Thank you for sharing him with us.
We rest in the hope that Chris has moved Home, and we who believe will see him again.

Prayers for the Caddell family

Praying for comfort during this time. May our Savior Jesus Christ give you peace. The Pastor-Richard family

Love & Prayers

I first remember meeting the Caddell Family through a small group my parents were in at First Church of Christ. That led to many summers hanging out with Steven and Alexis while our parents worked, playing games and swimming in their pool. Chris and his family were always so kind and welcoming to us! As we’ve continued to grow up and raise families of our own, our families have continued to connect through a new generation of the Caddell family. We are thankful for their friendship and know their Dad was a great example of Christ’s love and caring for others. Our hearts hurt for their loss, but we will continue to pray for a peace that only heaven can bring. We love you all! – Ryan, Brittany, Kinsley & Emersyn Leslie

You are in our thoughts and prayers.

To the entire Caddell family;
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of great sadness. That is a tribute to how much Chris loved and was loved by you. That love spilled out over onto the people at his workplace, his charities that he work with, and just people that he came in contact with in general. He will be greatly missed by those who knew him, either by close relationships or casual ones. May our God give you comfort and peace as only He can.
Jim and Marla Hood

LD & Joyce

Dear ones “because HE lives” Chris lives also! And because HE lives you can face tomorrow! All our love and prayers. L D & Joyce

Prayers for the Caddell Family

Our family is covering you with our prayers asking for peace and comfort at this time and going forward into your new normal! -Cheryl Blythe

So Sorry!

I’m so sorry Chris is no longer with us, but as David said of the son he lost, He Cant come to me, but I will go to him. Till then, we’ll miss you.

Prayers for the Caddell family

Prayers for all of the Caddell family! May God give comfort and peace as you remember and celebrate Chris’ life and legacy!

In our prayers

Although I did not know Chris personally, I have the pleasure of knowing his brother Chad, and was able to do some volunteer work with his wife at our school holiday shop this past year, both of whom are selfless and generous souls, so I can only imagine Chris shared the same characteristics. I can see how loved he was and what a huge impact he made on his family and the community. My prayers are with the Cadell family at this time and always.

To your Lovely family

Sending love and prayers for your family. To lose such a kind, caring person so young is difficult.
Jim and Sharon Burcham

A True Gentleman

Chris was one of the kindest gentlemen I have ever met. Every encounter with Chris whether it was in person, by email, or phone was sincere and genuine. He never ended a conversation without thanking me. Our business, our community, and our world is a little darker without Chris Caddell.

Well done good and faithful servant

My Brother in Christ has gone home. Chris used his time, talents, and treasure to serve our Savior Jesus Christ in all aspects of his life. I will see you again brother, and we will again be side by side, praising our Savior all the day long, laughing and singing, forevermore in heaven. Prayers for all.

Lifeline Ministries

I was blessed to serve with Lifeline Ministries from the early days of packing baskets in the Caddell’s basement. I stayed with the ministry through the move to Erlanger/Elsmere, and was happy to stay downstairs with Eleni sorting clothing, but Chris had other ideas. He pushed me out of my comfort zone and into a seat as a prayer counselor to the visitors that came through the doors of Lifeline. I am forever grateful to Chris for helping me stretch my faith and service to Christ. He was a wonderful man who gave from his whole heart. His impact on the community will live on in so many ways. Prayers for Eleni, Stephen, Alexis, Chad, Mrs. Caddell, and their families.

A Christian Brother

In 2001, 1st Church of Christ (Burlington) was preparing in partnership with MASTER Provisions to send a short term mission team to Kakhovka, Ukraine during the summer of 2002. Our goal was 50 men, but the Lord had other plans. In September, our nation was attacked and most of the men considering the trip declined. In the summer of 2002, 16 men made the journey and were blessed to proclaim the Gospel! Chris was one of those men who would not waiver on his commitment to be the feet of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Chris was a gentle and humble servant and as one of those 16 men, I will always dwell upon our time together serving. Philippians 4:8 instructs believers to dwell upon the true, honorable, righteous, pure, lovely, of good repute, excellence, and worthy of praise. I will spend time dwelling upon and praying for a brother in Christ who I will see again.

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