Burial Date: 2021-09-28
Service Date: September 21, 2021
Interment Info: Machpelah Cemetery
Service Info: Machpelah Cemetery

Harold Ensor


Crestview Hills – Harold C. Ensor, 88, passed away surrounded by his family on September 22, 2021. Harold had proudly served his country in the United States Army. He was a charter member for Erlanger Rotary Club, a member of Lloyd Memorial Alumni Association, and served as an Elder for Erlanger Christian Church. Harold was a teacher and superintendent for Erlanger-Elsmere Schools for over 37 years.  He also enjoyed traveling and spending time with his family.

Harold is survived by his daughter: Vickie (Ken) Rowland, granddaughters: Ruth and Mary Margaret, siblings: Donald and many nieces, nephews, and numerous friends. He was preceded in death by his wife: Evelyn Ensor, parents: Sid and Newell Ensor.

A graveside service will be held Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at Machpelah Cemetery, Mt. Sterling, KY at 11:00 am. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to the Lloyd High School – Ensor Scholarship. Online condolences can be left at www.LinnemannFuneralHomes.com.

11:00 am

Machpelah Cemetery

Mt. Sterling, KY

Machpelah Cemetery

Address: - Mt. Sterling, KY
12:00 am - 12:00 am

Harold Ensor


Harold Inser “The Educator ” who gave a ” lift”.

Harold Inser came into my life in 1970 when I did my first year of full time teaching at Erlanger Lloyd High School. This is fifty years I have know him and his wife who both worked for the Erlanger/Elsmere school system for a lifetime. I have always admired both of them . He was a dear friend and I can honestly say he was uniquely qualified as a outstanding academic man with Biblical wisdom. Every student and teacher who touch his life was given a lift in life. He truly was a gentle self-control man with the heart of Jesus in dealing with the conflicts in education and life. My Mothers verse depicts the life of Harold Inser as he always gave a lift.
By Garnette Bingham (STEPHENSON)
There is nothing in the world more beautiful than a life spent in the unselfish service to others. Sometimes it may seem to the world that a life is humble and lowly and of not much value; but there are many instances where these lives are like the modest violet sending out a beauty and fragrance that is appreciated by both God and man.
The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell therein. We are all stewards. There is not an owner anywhere of anything God alone owns. He estimates our gifts for the advancement of His cause, not by their size but by what we have left.
May we labor on, seeking not for glory and applause, knowing that He, who clothes the lilies of the field, and hears the ravens when they cry, will richly repay. Oh, the wrongs that we may righten! Oh, the hearts that we may lighten! Oh, the skies that we may brighten! Helping just a little.
In the field of destiny we shall reap as we have sown; let us therefore put a little sunshine into unfortunate lives. Our mercies are doubly sweet when they are shared with those who would otherwise feel the bitterness of want. Big deeds are often glass, while the small ones are diamonds.
Wrought into gold, we that pass down life’s hours so carelessly, might make the dusty way a path of flowers if we would try, then every gentle deed we’ve done or kind word given ——into gold would made us wondrous rich in heaven.
Life and living are mighty themes. Life is no mere dream, but a sincere reality and a supreme stewardship of which we shall one day have to render an account. Hence, let us all faithfully strive to fulfill life’s greatest purpose.
Build a little fence of trust around today. Fill the space with living deeds and therein stay, look not through the sheltering bars upon tomorrow God will help you to bear the burden of others for Him along life’s way.
Without the shadow, we would not appreciate the sunshine. Clouds need not eclipse the joy in your heart, even though the skies drizzle, your eyes can be bright. Just because it rains is no reason it should be gloomy.
Life’s struggle is hard enough at the best, so let us give every uplift possible.
Personally, we would rather be a stepping stone on the road to progress than occupy a useless position as an ornament at the pinnacle where there is nothing to be done.
Remember, that life is not all song. There is much wrong in all of us, so be ready to give a lift where needed. Some lead dreary ways and toil beneath heavy loads. When we find one of our fellowmen on the downward road, don’t pass him with a gloomy frown, you may have troubles too, but he needs a smile from you. Say, brothers, lend a helping hand, upon the side of the weakness stand. Another’s burden shared by you will give him courage new; the world has need of friendships true, so give a lift..

Bill & Peggy’s Stephenson’s family always gave a lift to all they came to know through their service to Jesus. I remember filming him at our home on Beechwood Road in Fort Mitchell for my show on his REVIVALS and ministry at the truck stop and with Tom Kelly and his Bible ministry. I still try to keep his ministry alive on my show, ARE YOU READY? AND WITH OUR LIFETIME CHRISTIAN FRIEND GIL AND JAN HAMMOND OF WIOK 107.5 F.M. TRISTATE GOSPEL FALMOUTH KENTUCKY PO BOX 50 ZIP CODE 41040. THEY ARE IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE OF THE PUBLIC AND CHURCHES TO CONTINUE THEIR 32 YEARS OF GREAT GOSPEL PREACHING AND MUSIC AND NEWS. COVID IS HAVING ITS ILL EFFECTS ON ALL OF US. HOWEVER WE HAVE JESUS IN OUR HEARTS AND THIS WORLD IS NOT OUR HOME WE ARE JUST PASSING THROUGH. SO GIVE A “LIFT” .
Dr. John Stephenson
859 750 0000 Former Superintendent of EDUCATION for the COMMONWEALTH of Kentucky.

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